-The client must deliver a document with the concept and the objective of the podcast, anintroductory speech and closing of the program.

-Our service does not include graphic generation or brand identity of the program (these servicesare quotedseparately).

-We are not responsible for the content, script or playlist of the program (we reserve the right toreject projects that insinuate or transgress minorities and / or violate human rights. If the show iscomical, it should have a warning writtenat the beginning and end.) We disclaim if the contentdelivered is unsubscribed or banned after its publication from the platforms for violating any rulein social media

-Options for music and jingles of the program are presented. Custom-made songs, animationsand specific foleys, have an extra cost

-For the preparation of the episodes,the client must send a monthly schedule, agreeing on theday and time per recording (in case of canceling a recording, it must be done 24 hours before andrescheduled to15 days later. On the same day, the session islost,and the rescheduling has anextra cost).

The average recommended duration of a podcast is 25 to 40 minutes, and the room usage limitfor a program and recordings is 50 minutes. In case of requiring longer recordings, youmustgivea week’s notice, and has an extra charge per hour.

-The use of the room is limited to four announcers.

-The live sessionsmustbe from the host’s mobile device (we include tripod and lighting.)

-The deliverables of each programare ready 72 hours after recording, edited and set to music.

-If the client wants their podcast to be video in studio and edited for youtube, it has an extracost,and the video is delivered 48 hours later (includes 3 deliverables, photograph, and cover oftheprogram for social media stories.)

-If the client wants the voice over to be in a specific location, an extra will be charged per month, and the place must be in the metropolitan area where the podcast was hired. In addition, the location must be sent a week in advance, and the quality of the sound is responsibility of the client, since not all places have the acoustic and lighting features (these are reserved only for video recording sessions).